Die Hochschulwahlen finden dieses Jahr vom 23.-26.6.2014 statt.
More information on: tuda-wahlen.de and https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/hochschulpolitische-gruppen/uebersicht_gruppen/index.de.jsp
The 2023 university elections will be held electronically from 12:00 noon on June 12, 2023 until 12:00 noon on June 19, 2023. All further information will be sent to you by e-mail from the TU Darmstadt.
The link to the election office: https://www.intern.tu-darmstadt.de/verwaltung/dez_vii/wahlamt_d7/index.de.jsp
All registered students at the TU Darmstadt. The simple rule is: if you have a student ID, you can vote. This includes Erasmus students as well as other international students.
15 student representatives are elected to the University General Assembly ( UV ). This council deals with the affairs, basically of interest to the university .The tasks, in particular are taking stances for the development at the university , teaching and research at the university
31 student representatives are elected to this council . Student parliament is the highest council of the student union and is elected every year. It is among other duties, responsible for the election of AStA - the executive committee of the students union and deciding the financial budget with the student contributions.
Universitätsversammlung |
Studierendenparlament |
Jusos und Unabhängige | Jusos und Unabhängige |
Liberale Hochschulgruppe | Liberale Hochschulgruppe |
Die PARTEI Hochschulgruppe |
Die Partei Hochschulgruppe |
Linke Liste - SDS | Linke Liste - SDS |
UMG - Universitäre Meme Gemeinschaft | |
The student representatives in the faculty council comprising the professors and students , are also elected during the elections.This council deals with the basic issues which concern the faculty department and do not come under the purview and responsibility of the Dean. This council is the highest deciding authority for the faculty. Among other tasks , it decides the examination rules , study curriculum rules, appointment of the appointment committee and employment of new lecturers, utilisation of funds from the department including that for the personnel costs and appointment of the exams committee. 5 students are respectively elected in each faculties 1,2, 4, 7, 13 und 16 and in the faculties 3, 5, 10, 11, 15, 18 and 20 respectively 3 students each .
Student representatives to the common council of the following faculties are also elected . For Computational Engineering ( CE ) and Mechanical Engineering respectively 3 students are elected and for Information Systems and Mechatronics respectively 2 students are elected.
Nine student representatives in every department are elected in the faculties 1, 2, 3, 16, 18 and 20. Seven student representatives are elected respectively in faculties 4, 13 and 15 . In the faculties of 5, 7, 10 and 11, respectively 5 student representatives and in the faculty departments CE, Mechanical engineering and Mechatronics , respectively 3 students.
The voter turnout numbers can be found on the Website of the election office
Die Hochschulwahlen finden dieses Jahr vom 23.-26.6.2014 statt.