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Bike rental system Call a Bike

The registration code is: TU-DA_WiSe_2024

Since April 14th, 2014 you are able to use the bike rental system Call a Bike from Deutsche Bahn for low fares. The rental system is a part of your status as a student and similar to the Semesterticket. After you register you can use three bikes as often as you want for one hour for no extra fee. This is not only possible in Darmstadt but in every city where Call a Bikes can be fund. If you use a bike longer then one hour small fees apply.

You get an account with this special pricing model after registration with your email address.

Use this link for sign-up



You can use Call a Bikes as often as you want for a ride that is shorter then 60 minutes for no extra cost. If you use a bike longer then on hour at a time you have to pay 0,08 € per minute starting with the 61st minute. The average ride is way shorter so this should be a theoretical scenario in most circumstances. You can use three bikes at the same time so you can share the experience with friends who are no students.

This terms and conditions apply for you as a TU student and have nothing in common with the regular pricing model that was published on July 15th, 2015.

Station network

There is a network of over 30 station in Darmstadt where bikes can be lend out and handed back. There is a sign at every station so they can be recognized easy.

You can find an interactive map in the app and on this website, too.


To get a account please use this link and enter your student email address like . You have to use your student email address to get the special pricing conditions.

  • If you don't have an address for students yet go to the Identity management of Hochschulrechenzentrums (HRZ) and click on E-Mail-Konfiguration. If you have the status of a Promotionsstudent it might be necessary to change your primary address for a short time. Email addresses from institutes and for employees will not work. Only students pay there fees and so others have no right to use the speical conditions. Please contact HRZ support if you have problems with your student email address.
  • If you have an older customer account for Call a Bike please write an email from your student accoun to to and mention your customer number and tell them that you want to change the tariff of AStA TU Darmstadt. As soon as you get a a confirmation you can use our special pricing model.

Lend Out, Pause und Hand Back

Lend Out

  • Option 1: There is a phone number in a red box on every single bike like 069/427277xxxx. You call that number and you will hear four digit code. Open the lock cover and type it in on the touch screen. The lock will open, then you can pull out the bold and fix it to the bike's frame. You are ready to start.
  • Option 2: Download the app for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone or Blackberry to your mobile device. You can chose a Call a Bike in the app. The app will show you a four digit code. Open the lock cover and type it in on the touch screen. The lock will open, then you can pull out the bold and fix it to the bike's frame. You are ready to start.


You can send your bike to Fahrpause to have a short break of your ride to enter a supermarket for example. Lock the bike with the bold and press the mechanic lock button. There will be the question "Fahrpause?" and you confirm with "Ja". The bike is now locked and can not be used by anyone else. When you have finished your break you open the lock with the same code like before and your ride goes on. Please notice: The minutes are counted like normal riding in the break so don't ride or pause longer then 60 minutes.

Hand Back

Once you want to finish your ride go to a station, lock the bike with the bold and press the mechanic lock button. If you open the display cover there will be the question "Fahrpause?". Say "No" to finish the ride.

A bike can only handed back at an official station. If you finish your ride somewhere else there will be extra fees. Please notice: If you hand back the bike not at an official station it will cost you 10,00 € minimum.


DB Rent has an ISO certificate and adheres to the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz. Personal data you enter for registration will be used for the customer relationship only and will not be transfered to third parties. DB Rent will not create a profile of your moments. You will get mails for advertisement only if you agreed to that during the registration.


The financing of Call a Bike follows the principle of solidarity. You pay it automatically with your semester fees. The current price is 2,38 € per student per semester. The contract was negotiated together with AStA of Hochschule RheinMain and Universität Marburg.

Use Call a Bike in Other Cites

Call a Bike is not only available in Darmstadt. In Germany there are more then 50 cities where you can use the bikes free of charge, too. City wide system can be found in

  • Berlin
  • Frankfurt
  • Cologne
  • Munich
  • Offenbach as well as in
  • Stuttgart (under the label RegioRadStuttgart) and in
  • Hamburg and Lüneburg (under the label StadtRad).

Furthermore there are Call a Bikes ready for rental in many cities with an ICE railway station.

Other arrangements in Hamburg and Lüneburg

The special pricing model with three bikes free of charge in the first 60 minutes applys to nearly every city. Only in Hamburg and Lüneburg you'll have only 30 minutes. The 31st minute and following will be charge by 0,08 € per minute with a maximum of 9,00 € per day.

Questions and Feedback

Please write an email in English or German to