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The AStA's commitment in the area of mobility is multifaceted. First and foremost is the guiding principle of meeting the mobility needs of students with the associated sustainability in an ecological, social and economic sense.

This results in various tasks and activities such as

Contact address:


Zum Sommersemester 2024 ändert sich einiges am Semesterbeitrag. Finde hier alle aktuellen Informationen und warum der Beitrag erhöht wurde.

Dear students,

Finally Politics agreed on something! And it's regarding students too! A nationwide semester ticket!

Following the decision of the student parliament on 5. December 2023 and consultation with the university, we can announce that we will be introducing the Germany wide semester ticket for the summer semester 2024.





Better late than never... finally the RMV in Hesse has managed to provide an upgrade solution for students.

--> LINK (expired) <-- you can log in with your TU ID to buy the ticket via this link


New information [21 March 2024]:

- Starting on 1 April 2024, the Deutschland Semesterticket will be valid. Upgrade tickets aren't available anymore.

New information [September 2023]:

- All current subscriptions are cancelled at the end of the semester. 

Liebe Studierendenschaft,

wir können nun endlich einige gesicherte Informationen zum Semesterticket weitergeben:
Wie bereits der Presse entnommen werden konnte, haben sich die Länder auf ein Upgrade-Modell für Semestertickets geeinigt.

department title: 

Finanzen und Mobilität

Simon Hock

Ich bin gewählter Referent für Finanzen und Mobilität.


Dear fellow students,

you can now apply for a refund of the difference between your semester ticket and the 9-Euro-Ticket at
by entering your IBAN. Applications via the portal are possible until 31.10.2022.


Dear fellow students,

the AStA has received many inquiries regarding the 9€-ticket. We would like to give you first information here. However, we would like to emphasize that the information below is only valid with reservations. Because the 9€-Ticket was only decided in the federal cabinet, but an agreement of the Bundestag and Bundesrat is still pending.


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